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BUSTOWER - no doubt the most compact parking space for buses

More and more bus traffic and no parking spaces in sight!

The EU Commission estimates that the use of buses will increase by a further 72% between 2020 and 2050 and the volume of truck traffic by 44%.


Fully integrated into the operating process

The BusTower enables ultra-compact parking without you having to change your established operating procedures.

  • Enhanced fire protection
  • Ultra compact parking
  • Integrated electric charging
  • Integrated services
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The most important advantages at a glance

Enhanced fire protection

In the event of a fire indication, vehicles are transported to a separate emergency compartment in mere minutes. As intelligent temperature sensors can determine a hazardous situation at an early stage, no persons or other vehicles are harmed.

Ultra compact parking

Vertical parking makes optimum use of the existing site area and multiplies previous parking spaces.

Integrated electric charging

Electric charging points can be integrated into every space in the BusTower so that your vehicles are always charged and ready to go thanks to the intelligent energy charging management.

Integrated services

A workshop can be integrated into the BusTower's lifting technology for bus maintenance and your buses can be cleaned fully automatically from the outside by the integrated washing system if required or scheduled. The cleaning staff can then prepare the buses for the next journey on the parking levels.

Verbesserter Brandschutz

Im Falle einer Brandindikation werden Fahrzeuge innerhalb von wenigen Minuten in ein gesondertes Harvariefach transportiert. Da durch intelligente Temperatursensoren ein Gefahrenfall frühzeitig bestimmt werden kann, kommen dabei keine Personen oder weitere Fahrzeuge zu Schaden.

Ultrakompaktes Parken

Durch das vertikale parken wird die bisherige Grundstücksfläche optimal genutzt und vorherige Parkplätze vervielfacht.

Integriertes Elektroladen

In den BusTower können auf jedem Platz Elektroladepunkte integriert werden, sodass durch das intelligente Energielademanagement Ihre Fahrzeuge immer geladen und fahrbereit sind.

Integrierte Serviceleistung

Zur Wartung der Busse kann durch die Hebetechnik des BusTowers eine Werkstatt integriert werden und Ihre Busse bei Bedarf vollautomatisch durch die integrierte Waschanlage von außen gereinigt werden. Auf den Parkebenen können die Reinigungskräfte dann die Busse für die nächste Fahrt...

    Impressions of the automated e-bus depot

    Interesting facts about the BUSTOWER

    What is the BusTower?
    The TruckTower is an innovative solution for the efficient use of parking spaces for trucks and other large vehicles. By intelligently stacking vehicles, the TruckTower enables maximum utilization of available space without additional soil sealing. The BusTower is a variant of the TruckTower, specifically designed for buses to optimally meet their parking and maintenance requirements.
    What advantages does the BusTower offer?
    The BusTower offers a number of advantages, including maximum utilization of existing space, the ability to integrate charging stations for electric vehicles, seamless integration into existing operations, improved fire safety measures and comprehensive services such as workshop integration and automated washing facilities.
    How does the BusTower work?
    The BusTower uses a vertical stacking system to park vehicles in a space-saving manner. The vehicles are stacked on top of each other on different levels, which significantly increases the parking space capacity. This makes it possible to accommodate more vehicles in a limited space.
    Is the BusTower environmentally friendly?
    Yes, the BusTower helps to reduce land consumption and conserve natural resources by maximizing the use of available space.
    Is the BusTower safe?
    Yes, the BusTower is equipped with advanced safety measures to ensure the safety of the parked vehicles and the surrounding area. These include automatic fire detection systems, video surveillance and access controls.

    This is how
    compressed parking works


    Heinrich-Blanc-Str. 30
    76646 Bruchsal

    Let's Talk

    Dr. Felix Hackbarth

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